Book News You Can Use 4/10/15

The last few weeks has been a roller coaster.  My grandaunt passed away last Friday, while I was still mourning the loss over a classmate who died suddenly.  I was also fighting something that was going on in my nasal passages (the doctor said a virus, I say it was allergies).  On top of that, the shooting of Walter Scott happened and when the video came out, the whole incident blew up.  I hate that my hometown will now be associated in the same vain as Ferguson, New York City, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Sanford. Thank God local and state law enforcement took quick action on this or it would have been a ton of chaos on the streets.  Ironically, news of the first video came out when I was having dinner with Lisa from Reads for Pleasure (who was in town on vacation), who lives not far from Ferguson.  And it has been a busy month with work and sorority events.

I also decided earlier this week that I was not going to go to Washington again to see Toni Morrison.  The trip would have cost me a few hundred dollars, which is something I couldn't swing right now. Fortunately, my friend VaLinda is going and hopes to bring me back an autographed book.  I love this picture of Toni from the New York Times (and the article that goes with it).  I feel that it should be displayed at every library and museum.  Just because Toni's that awesome. Here's an article about famous Toni quotes and another one about God Help The Child.

Relax in Paradise Ivan Doig.

Congratulations to the finalists for the Carnegie Awards and Translated Book Awards!

Congratulations also go out to the writers who won Guggenheim Fellowships!

There was a dedication ceremony for the stamp honoring Maya Angelou this week. Nikki and Sonia gave words. Oprah was there. So was the First Lady.  But the stamp has one big problem.

Actress Amber Tamblyn has written her third book of poetry, this one about deceased female stars.

Cookie Detective Carter Benjamin Button's mother Taraji P. Henson will be releasing a memoir next year.

UCF Champion Ronda Rousey responds after Wal-Mart decides not to sell her autobiography.  She's better than me because I would have told them to kick rocks.

This article has me looking forward to Attica Locke's new book (even more).

More love was given to Paul Beatty's The Sellout this week, with this article from the New York Times. And Rashid at Old Gold Soul got a chance to meet Paul this week.

Nobody told me that Teja Cole (among other authors) is coming to my alma mater! #gogamecocks

Based of this list, I guess that I was a total bookworm as a child (but I already knew that).

One thing they did forget on that list...Reading Rainbow was must-see TV.  LeVar Burton talks about the future of Reading Rainbow (among other things) in this article.

My college classmate Marcus Amaker dedicated his latest poem to Walter Scott.


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