Book News You Can Use 8/16/13

So this picture pretty much looks like Charleston right now.  And will be for the next several days.

Forbes just recently announced the World's Top-Earning Authors.

Fellow blogger ZoraToniMaya highlight new releases that she is looking forward too.  I had two on my radar, but I will check out the others as well.

The PEN Award winners were announced this week.

In time for Anchorman 2, Ron Burgundy will be releasing his autobiography. Stay classy, book readers.

Not every YA book has a short road to theaters.

David Baldacci is the latest author to test his waters in the YA genre.

Lionsgate has purchased the movie rights to Kate Atkinson's Life After Life.

I am Team Obama, so you know that I don't like it when authors compare the president to Hitler.

ETA: Three more links!

Alice Walker was disinvited from the University of Michigan for her views on Israel.

What is the problem with New Adult books?

Awesome news of the week: Lambda Literary has created an award in memory of E. Lynn Harris. They are calling for black gay writers to write a short story and the winner will win $100 and be featured in Lambda Literary Review. Yes, yes and YES.


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