Book News You Can Use 3/6/15

My Friday Reads is the hit The Girl on the Train. I finally got it from the library this week after waiting over a month for to get it.  The library has to keep ordering copies because it's so popular and people keep putting it on hold. The hold list was in the 200s when I put it on hold and now there are over 500 holds.  I hope to start it today or tomorrow.  I hope it's worth the wait.

Relax in Paradise Mal Peet.

Congratulations to all of the LA Times Book Prize nominees and the Lambda Literary Award nominees!

The image for Maya Angelou stamp has been revealed.

Hey Ya'll! Paula Deen is on the comeback trail with a new book deal.

In today's "Crazy Politician Gets A Book Deal" post, Sen. Ted Cruz is releasing a book in June.

Semi-retired NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw is releasing a book about his recent bought with cancer.

Fresh off of the end of Parks and Recreation, fellow South Carolinian Aziz Ansari is releasing a book about modern romance (and talks about his Netflix special).

When I heard how Harper Lee dismissed a reporter who wanted to interview her, I though of Oscar the Grouch because this sounded like something he would say.  I hope she's OK.

The Dark Places trailer has been released (even though it's in French).

Lots of news on upcoming movies based on books here, here and here.

Stephen King's classic Misery is coming to Broadway, with Bruce Willis starring.

Two reviews of African-American satire books: The Sellout and Welcome to Braggsville.

Stolen 400-year-old books are being returned to an Italian library.

During World Book Day yesterday, a British kid though it was a good idea to dress at Christian Grey.

Should online book reviews be anonymous?

Independent book stores are on the rise, even with Amazon.

I love this story on how Denene Miller got a young African-American boy to read.

I really like these book-inspired prints, especially the Reading Rainbow/Star Trek: The Next Generation one.

Picture is from the New York Times.


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