Book News You Can Use 9/19/14

Congratulations to all of the National Book Award nominees!

The MacArthur genius grants were announced this week and the winners include Columbia native Terrance Hayes.

A Brooklyn poet is moving to Detroit after winning the Write a House Project contest.

Is Oscar Pistorius trying to pull an OJ and write a book about killing his lover?

Yamma Brown, the daughter of the Godfather of Soul, talks about her parents' abusive relationship and how she fell for an abusive man.

Meanwhile, her brother Daryl thinks that James Brown was killed by those in his inner circle.  He must be comparing notes with the Jacksons.

The war of Amazon vs. Hatchette continues with Hatchette authors going after Amazon's board.

Speaking of Amazon, new Kindles and Kindle Fires were just released, including a version for children.

Barnes and Noble has suspended the ability to download their e-books on your personal computer.

Maya Lang read To Kill A Mockingbird for the first time and talks about how she was able to parallel the book to what's going on in Ferguson.

After 60 Minutes exposed him as a fraud three years ago, Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson is trying to return to the public spotlight.

Tom Clancy's widow doesn't want to pay taxes on his estate and wants to pass the bill to his children. That's not how it works. That's now how any of this works.

Joan Rivers' body isn't even cold in the ground and a biography is in the works.

Why is Sony remaking I Know What You Did Last Summer?  WHY???!!!

Would you believe that tomorrow marks 30 years since the Cosby Show premiered on TV?  Mark Whitaker talks about writing Bill Cosby's biography, which was released this week.

The New York Public Library has a new exhibit on Sesame Street.

Ebony continues to feature African-American books on their website I would have never heard of, but their featured book is my Friday Reads. Yes, I'm reading Steve Harvey's new book.

Here is a reason why publishers are giving away e-books or selling them for next to nothing.

Do you suffer from reading insecurities?

A new survey shows that more young adults (30 and younger) are reading books.

Can someone please tell the author that God created Goodreads and Shelfari so she won't have to have a spreadsheet of all of the books she's read?  She must be a metadata librarian. Or neurotic.

I know this article is from last year, but I have some new job options in case the librarian thing doesn't work out.


  1. I keep a spreadsheet also. And I was glad that I did on the day that tried to log into Goodreads only to find that they were having "technical difficulties" for darn near 24 hours. I was trying to review one of my shelves to figure out what to put in my Amazon cart. The other thing with platforms that you don't own is that you can't control them either. What if Goodreads or Shelfari decides to start charging, or asking for additional information for "secure" log in, or does an upgrade and a "glitch" causes all kinds of wacky issue with your records. I don't know, maybe I am neurotic. But I do have a thing about making sure I own what's mine. It's the reason I also have every single one of my blog posts backed up in a place that's not linked to Blogger which is my blog platform.

  2. You're right. I've always had a good memory of what I have read and to me, it seems like it takes a lot of work to keep up a spread sheet of what you have read. Maybe because I deal with databases every day. And there is a part of me that thinks that one day Shelfari will go away (because Amazon has bought Goodreads and has been treating Shelfari like a bastard child). You're not neurotic, just concerned and careful. :-)


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