Book News You Can Use 2/7/14

Lesson of this video: don't get drunk at book club meeting.

A few days ago, I kept seeing the hashtag #thegamechanges on Facebook and Twitter and I wanted to know why. Everybody found out the answer on Monday when Victoria Christopher Murray and ReShonda Tate Billingsley announced they have started their own publishing company, Brown Girls Publishing.  Here is Publishers Weekly's coverage of the announcement.  Now #thegamehaschanged.

Don't forget to watch the Alice Walker documentary on PBS tonight!

Here is an awesome question-and-answer with Mitchell S. Jackson, the author of The Residue Years.

Simon and Schuster launched a new website dedicated to business books.

NoViolet Bulawayo was named a fiction finalist in Barnes and Noble's Discovery Awards.

Amazon just came out with a list of 100 books you should read in a lifetime.

Want to know how fast you read? This test from Staples (yes, the office supply store) will tell you!

I wonder if the book editors at Oprah's magazine read my mind. Three of these books are on my to-be-read list.

Some of this can also apply to avid readers, journalism majors and MLIS students.

I was applying for colleges and counting down the days until high school graduation when I was 17.  This 17-year-old has a book deal.

Is Philip Roth going to quit writing fiction?

Uh-oh. I really like Zane, but it looks like she owes some people some money, including the IRS and the State of Maryland. On a side note, we finally found out what her government name is.

Speaking of government names, Iyanla Vanzant talks about why she changed her name. And when is Fix My Life coming back?

Can someone please tell these people that Netflix for books is call THE LIBRARY?!

The Guardian wants to know how many books do you read at one time.

Here is a timeline of Black History in young adult fiction.

Look at the best bookstores in the world (according to Business Insider)!

There will be no more Sony Bookstore.


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