Book News You Can Use 8/30/13

I love to read. I wish I could advise more people to read. There’s a whole other world in books. If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through reading. You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading.

Happy (Belated) Birthday Michael!! 

Relax in Paradise Seamus Heaney.

This week was the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.  NPR has recommended some books about the Civil Rights Movement for your reading pleasure.

Elmore Leonard's son may finish his last novel.

Will there be more J.D. Salinger books?

Publishers Weekly announced their indie books picks for the fall.  The only that caught my attention was the one about Matthew Shepard. 

And Kirkus has announced their best bios released in the fall.

Jesmyn Ward honors Trayvon Martin, her deceased brother and other black males in this Chicago Tribune article.  Her new book is about loosing several black men in her life.

Nikki Giovanni talks about the March on Washington and how Dr. King's speech give us hope. And she also wrote a poem about it.  And how did I miss that she's coming out with an new book in October?

Here is a review of Edwidge Danticat's new book from the Washington Post.  I have an ARC of this book and look forward to reading it.

When I heard that the New York Times was doing a review on Nine Years Under, I thought it was going to be one those long, detailed reviews.  I thought wrong

An Alabama senator wants to remove The Bluest Eyes from public schools. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

Michael's picture and quote came from his official Facebook page


  1. Okay. I'm kind of obsessed with Edwidge Danticat right now. How did you get an ARC!? Please do tell!

    Sighs, I'm reluctant to follow the link re: the Alabama senator. But I must......

  2. I got an ARC from the publisher, Knoff. One of their people used to work over at Harper and sends me emails about their new releases. The book is out now. And that Alabama senator can kick rocks.


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