Events that I missed...and may miss

Almost two weeks ago, Steve Harvey was in Charleston with Kirk Franklin. Even thought I do listen to his radio show, I did not have any plans to go. I've already seen three concerts this year (Prince, Kem and Lauryn Hill) and going to at least another one this summer (Sade).

I was heading to Myrtle Beach for work when I read in our local newspaper that Steve was going to be signing books at the Waldenbooks at Charleston Place, scheduled the day before the concert/comedy show (the signing was on a Friday, at 6 p.m.). I was just finding out on Thursday.

This Waldenbooks is probably smaller than others AND it is in the middle of downtown Charleston, right in the heart of the tourist area. Also, it was on a Friday evening I knew I was going to be back by then, but I also had an event with the sorority.

I made a personal decision not to attend. I didn't want to deal with downtown traffic, tourists, paying for parking and being squeezed up in a small bookstore just to see him. And the last minute promotion ticked me off. I also think that he stayed at Charleston Place (it's a hotel with stores) and wanted to kill two birds with one stone. I attend my sorority's event and had a blast.

Right now, I am still (kind of) debating on whether I should drive up to Columbia for the annual South Carolina Book Festival. Everyone knows that gas is high. But the author list is not impressing me. I wouldn't mind seeing Martha Southgate, but was very sad to see that L.A. Banks wasn't coming again.

So readers, should I go to this event? I'm am leaning towards no, but I am open to suggestions.

ETA 5/15/11: I decided not to go to SC Book Festival this year. Besides the lack of diversity in this year's roster, I discovered yesterday that a gallon of milk is higher than a gallon of gas. I decided to take the money I saved and invest in a cow. I'm kidding. I just left Columbia for graduation and would have to turn around and come back for this, with nothing much for me to see. So I stayed home.


  1. No, don't go to the South Carolina Book Festival. Not many African American authors and it doesn't appear fun, even though I volunteered last year and was suppose to work this year, it still doesn't appear to be fun. Go to the National Black Book Festival with me in Houston. Now that looks like fun. Another thing, Steve Harvey is old news. Have you read Strawberry Letter?

  2. The one in Houston sounds fun. Thinking about going to the National Book Club Conference in Atlanta in July. I'll check and see what tickets Southwest has going for with the event in June. Just got Strawberry Letter from the library yesterday. Surprised how short the book is. At the most it's 150 pages.

  3. If you can only find one author that you'd like to see, I'd say pass.


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