The post you have all been waiting for....The SC Book Festival!!

Note: There are pictures from this event. They are on my old digital camera, since I bought a new one a few months ago. My old camera is at my parents' house, so I will post them once I get the camera.

I know the SC Book Festival was back at the end of February. But since I am attending two more book festivals before the end of the year, I feel that I need to post about the one I went to before I went to the new one.

So a few things that I remember from the book festival:

There was one guy who was selling a lot of self-published books, mostly African-American themed. But what drew me to his booth like a moth to a flame was the big Obama book he was selling. I collect Obama items, so this was up my ally. It was a long coffee table book of the front covers of African-American newspapers when Obama won. I started to think that I would buy this for myself and a friend that is a bigger Obama collector than I am. And then he told me the price: $70. Then this Chris Rock skit came into my mind. I bought some other books from him, but didn't buy the Obama books. And it didn't look worth $70. But if you want to buy a copy, have at it.

When I got there, I didn't know that a lot of the authors were there on Saturday (due to a work obligation, I attended on Sunday). Several of the authors that I wanted to see had already left Columbia and others were still there, but weren't signing books. When I was talking to a lady about the book signings, it turns out I was talking to Tia McCollors, who is the author of several books, including The Last Woman Standing.

I told Tia I was looking for Tiffany Warren, who is the author of In The Mist of It All. I had purchased the book at Wal-Mart a few days before and wanted her to sign it. She said that Tiffany was still in town and would call her to sign my book. Tiffany was gracious enough to find me and sign my book!

I also meet Heidi Durrow, who wrote The Girl Who Fell From The Sky. This book has gotten rave reviews in the literary circles. She will also be a part of Capital Bookfest in November.

I was able to enjoy this event. I got a chance to meet a lot of people, interact with some of my classmates and teachers (USC's School of Library and Information Science had a booth) and most importantly, got to buy a lot of books! Next year's event will be in May, which will allow the organizers to feature more authors (they will be getting ready for their summer tours). If you happen to be in the Columbia area, please take the opportunity to take part in this literary event.


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