Why People Should Read This Book is Overdue!

As some of you may know, I an currently working on a Master's Degree in Library Science. So when I heard about This Book is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, I wanted to see what it was about. Through this post, I am going to tell people who I interact with and you why you should read this book.

Why my coworker Candace should read this book: There is a chapter about tattooed librarians. And you are a tattooed librarian! The tattooed librarians in this books participate hang out with each other and participate in book cart performances. This sounds cool!

Why my professor Dr. Tu should read this book: There's this huge chapter about Second Life! You have been telling me how you can do virtual reference with Second Life, but I didn't know that a lot of the virtual librarians hang out with each other and provide help to hundreds of avatars per day! I think it should be mandatory for you to read this!

Why the archivists at my job should read this book: There is a big section about archivists! Do you know an archivist found a collection of boxing items and got them donated to a library? It gives me more of a idea of what you guys do with all of that stuff!

Why the county library board should read this book: At the end of the book, a new library is featured and they talk about all of the cool items that they have. They also talk about the struggles on how to go to one catalog system to another. Maybe that will give us some ideas about the system's future.

Why everyone else should read this book: Because librarians are breaking the stereotype that they shush everyone and look very conservative. Librarians are helping people find information (and this economy, help find jobs), reach out to their communities and protect the privacy of patrons. Librarians are very diverse and are ever adapting to the new technologies. Even though I am a "librarian in training," it made me appreciate the profession even more. I hope I am able to be as productive as some of the librarians who are featured in this book.


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