Do I Really Have To Think Like a Man?

Every weekday morning, I listed to the Steve Harvey Morning Show on my way to work. So when he started to promote his first book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, I was interested in reading it. I reserved it from the library and was one of the first ones to get it when it finally arrived.

The next thing I know, this relationship book on how to think like a man was getting big. Right after it came out, my friend tried to find it in the store with no luck. Then people started talking about it. And once Steve was on Tyra and Oprah, I knew there was no turning back.

As I mentoned before, I personally felt that it was not the best relationship book since sliced bread (like most people made it out to be). Some of the advice did make sense, but I just didn't feel that wonderful feeling about the book that many people came away with.

As turns out, I wasn't alone. I've heard a variety of comments about the book, from "This is for people your age" (my hairdresser) to "What does he know? He's on his third wife" (a fellow book club member). One of my male friends suggested that he could give me the same advice for the cost of the book.

One day, while I was catching up on my Twitter feed at work, I found out that someone wrote a response to Steve's book (and promoted it on Tom Joyner). After listening to the interview that was recorded, I decided to check this book out. The library didn't have it and when I saw that Amazon had the book for $10, I figure I didn't have much to loose.

Why Do I Have To Think Like a Man was written by Shanae Hall and her mother Rhonda Frost. This book gives an interesting response to Steve's book.

Shanae and Rhonda both talk about their experiences with men throughout the book. Shanae married her high school sweetheart, who eventally became an NFL player. Things went down hill and they are no longer together. Rhonda is also single right now and out on the dating scene. Some of their stories about their dating experiences and others may me sometimes want to say WTF (which is used a lot in this book)?

But in between these stories, the book does offer some good advice. Notice the red flags. Ask questions (the cereal one was very interesting). Set standards in a relationship from the start. And the most important one, LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.

So I guess this book is part relationship, part self-help. It is nice to hear from women who are having the same dating issues as many of us are (including myself). If women take care of ourselves and and demand what we want from the beginning, we may find luck in finding the right guy. And that we really don't have to think like a man after all.

P.S. I do also plan to read Steve's new book. And Shenae and Rhonda already have a response to that in their book.

P.P.S. You can read another review of this book here.


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